

WiiChat Member
Aug 3, 2006
Could someone enlighten me to as why release dates for many games are before the release dates for the actual Wii system itself?

Or are these old release dates that haven't been updated, since the announcement of the Nintendo Wii release date?

I believe I keep hearing the 19th of November . . . but I'm seeing release dates for games ranging from October 3rd to November 22nd (with all sorts of dates inbetween).

Is it common to release games before the console release? Or have these dates not been updated. I see them on the target website, where I searched for the Nintendo Wii.

Dare I ask, could this mean an accelerated release date for the console? I'm not trying to get anyone's hopes up, I just want to know the logic behind this, if there is any.

Be gentle.
Some companies pick dates out of the air and then don't change them, the console will not be released any earlier than previously stated.
i find it impossible to actuly send games to market before the actual console comes out so my guesses are the same as everyone eles...they just placed any dates out because they thoughts so and the one that is incharge of the site is to lazy to change it. And yes the wii will come out the november 19th unless its like Zelda Twillite Princess and it comes out about one year later then first expected, though that one pissed me off at first about the new zelda game! lol

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