component cables for regular tv


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Jan 2, 2007
do they do anything for non-HD TV's? I've got a 56" tv, but its just an old standard definition TV. Are the Nintendo component cables any better than what comes with the wii?
I doubt it would do anything. The Component cables have 5 pronged cords that you only can put into the HD tv. If its a regular tv it wont have the 5 holes you put them into only the 3 red white and yellow ones.
TitansATB said:
I doubt it would do anything. The Component cables have 5 pronged cords that you only can put into the HD tv. If its a regular tv it wont have the 5 holes you put them into only the 3 red white and yellow ones.

I think you're misunderstanding him. His tv most likely has component input. I have a non hi-def sony wega and it comes with component input, so it's not proprietary to hi-def tvs. What he's asking is if component cables will make a noticeable difference in image quality even if you can't use their progressive scan capabilities on a standard def tv. The answer to that would be yes, it would make a difference moving from composite (single yellow video cable) to component (green/blue/red video cables) on a standard def tv, BUT not as much as if you were using the cables in 480p. The difference lies in the quality of the colors, which should be deeper and more rich with the component cables. If you were using the cables with a tv capable of 480p then the picture/textures in games would be sharper as well.
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ThrillSeeker said:
I think you're misunderstanding him. His tv most likely has component input. I have a non hi-def sony wega and it comes with component input, so it's not proprietary to hi-def tvs. What he's asking is if component cables will make a noticeable difference in image quality even if you can't use their progressive scan capabilities on a standard def tv. The answer to that would be yes, it would make a difference moving from composite (single yellow video cable) to component (green/blue/red video cables) on a standard def tv, BUT not as much as if you were using the cables in 480p. The difference lies in the quality of the colors, which should be deeper and more rich with the component cables. If you were using the cables with a tv capable of 480p then the picture/textures in games would be sharper as well.

actually i have no clue what i'm asking really. i'm not sure if my tv has component inputs. i wasn't aware that there were separate inputs. maybe i'll convince my dad to let me hook the wii up to the 130" projection...

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