Component Cable question... brands make a difference?


WiiChat Member
Nov 20, 2007
Hello everyone,
I got a Wii last week and this looked like a great place to chat about it.... well anway, one question: I have a 32'' LCD Toshiba and bought some component cables from gamestop and all my games are really jaggy... I know the Wii isn't in hd but I was just wondering if I would notice any difference if I bought the official Nintendo component cables. The cables I currently I have:
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I might be getting a high-def tv for christmas and I've been pondering this issue as well. I'd assume that the 'Official Nintendo Cables' price is jacked up, but other than that I'm not too sure.

Anyone have any contribution?

EDIT: Alright, I really need some help now. The highest clarity Wii supports is 480p, right?
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I highly doubt any other brand component cables will make a difference.

In my experience with home theater/video, the no-name HDMI cables I get from, which are 1/10 the price of cables in your brick and mortar stores, are identical to your high-priced cables.

LevesqueIsKing said:
EDIT: Alright, I really need some help now. The highest clarity Wii supports is 480p, right?

Unfortunately, yes.

My PS3 in 1080P (via HDMI) looks phenomenal...but also pricey.
You would be ok with any brand of component cables, but I would recommend getting the Nintendo brand. Digital cables like HDMI are a no-brainer, get the cheap ones. However, for analog component cables with one end being 'non-standard', the Nintendo brand is more reliable IMO. Btw, an awesome place for high quality cables for everything else (DVD, DVR, etc) is .
Welcome to the biggest argument in the audiophile world.

I will not say either way - or even state my opinion. But when I worked at best buy in 99/00 I replaced all my "cheap" cables with monster cable I bought using my employee discount (huge markup on this stuff). I noticed no differences.

For my Wii - I bought a component cable at Target for $9.99 - cheapest one I could find. Works great.
Wiizel said:
Welcome to the biggest argument in the audiophile world.

I will not say either way - or even state my opinion. But when I worked at best buy in 99/00 I replaced all my "cheap" cables with monster cable I bought using my employee discount (huge markup on this stuff). I noticed no differences.

For my Wii - I bought a component cable at Target for $9.99 - cheapest one I could find. Works great.


Monster cables are a total waste of money.
These are all you need:
10 bucks, free shipping, can't go wrong

Here is what they actually look like. They're excellent quality and the picture is great on my 58" panasonic plasma.



Thanks for the pics. Looks good. I need to pick up some component cables as well. Thanks for the insight.

I know with the 360, i could see the difference in the monster component compared to the 3rd party cables( or Madcatz cables ).
Yes, the cables will make the jaggies more visable. The reasoning is because it's much more clearer that you can see it now as before the jaggies will just blur with each other. Either way as for brand it doesn't matter.
I bought my cables from nintendo because

1. It was birthday money
2. If something goes wrong Nintendo will replace no questions asked

I've had good experience with Nintendo support in the past, more expensive product is worth it for that alone

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