Component Cable Compatible


Jan 2, 2007
Wii Online Code
Ive been wondering whether or not to get component cables, I know it makes the images look better and sounds better but I was mostly wondering which games are compatible with the component cables..

It was easy to tell on gamecube games because they had a picture right on the back of the box, but on wii games, it seems a little like a guessing game

does that mean all wii games are component cable compatible or just a few but have a hidden sign?

thanx for the help in advance
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anyone know?
Sorry none that I know of, the Trauma Center game is NOT. I was able to get the actual Nintendo brand Comp cable from Circuit City for $30 :). I would say get it, down the road it could be more useful.
All games are compatible with the component cable. The term you're looking for is "progressive scan compatible", and no, there is no way to tell if a Wii game is just by looking at the box. It's something worthy of a complaint to Nintendo. On the other hand, any high profile Wii games can output 480p.
RyokoYaksa said:
All games are compatible with the component cable. The term you're looking for is "progressive scan compatible", and no, there is no way to tell if a Wii game is just by looking at the box. It's something worthy of a complaint to Nintendo. On the other hand, any high profile Wii games can output 480p.

Well Ryoko, there is a little more to this as well. A lot of reports are surfacing, about Wii games underscanning the TV. Meaning, that they display in 16x9 format, but do not fill up the entire screen.

So while I would say Zelda is compatible, I would deem RE4 to work, but I would not exactly say it is compatible. Here is a complete running list, of all games and what they are in.
Underscan doesn't have anything to do with whether or not the game is compatible with progressive scan or the component cable. It's a separate concern and should be treated as such. This is presumably because they are reducing the pixel output in order to maintain 60 fps, but as of now we don't really have a clear cut answer.
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Games I know of:

Zelda: Twilight Princess
- 480p
- 40-60 fps

Metroid Prime 3
- 480p
- 60 fps

Madden 08
- 480p
- 40-60 fps

Basically all new games. Example, I don't think Super Paper Mario will run at 480p. I bought component cables for my Wii and I think it looks pretty sweet.

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