hybrid -x1
~graceful assassin~
This is MY attempt (AKA 2cents) in bringing some help/life around these parts. Follow these guides and use the tools supplied because this is as easy as it gets modding your Wii-U. I've personally have pimped out 4 different Wii-U's including my own so I can vouch that this works!
What this Guide CAN give you
What this Guide CAN give you
- Region FREE console
- Backup WiiU games (WiiChat does NOT support piracy! Unless stated otherwise!!)
- Access to Homebrew Launcher on your WiiU
- Sysnand WiiU setup
- Rednand WiiU setup
- CFWbooter
- AND anything else I might be forgetting
I take ZERO credit for anything I'm about to post below this! I'm just bringing this on over from another site to HELP and SHARE with you dudes.
Compilation of Wii U TuT's:
Quick note before you start guys. IF you are here to region FREE your Wii U. . .on the GITHUB link that's below in the quote follow the "Getting STARTED section (And every other section) in whatever preferred path of your choosing Sysnand/Rednand BUT then after DO NOT follow the "Region Free Your WiiU" section (unless you REALLY want to then go for it) that's on the GITHUB link. Instead substitute in the RegionHax Installer I linked (or attached) at the very bottom of this post INSTEAD of using the "Region Free Your WiiU" section from the GITHUB. It'll make your life easier TRUST me. Well that's all FOLKS! Start your homebrew!
UPDATE 12/15/16: So with this update STILL follow the Github link listed below and other stuff BUT replace the FW.IMG download from the GITHUB with one of the ones below all which depend on what installation you went with via the GitHub Sysnand/Rednand.
ALL CREDIT GOES TO Vickdu31 for compiling the FW.IMG and DIMOK for the source!
CFW (for Sysnand) :
Date compiled : dec 6 2016
Last commit : nov 21 2016
MD5 : E56B114F2A34B5BB74078872662E4C7A
Date compiled : dec 6 2016
Last commit : nov 21 2016
MD5 : 8E68AFCBA9A200E3CC75A3C13A4831CB
Note : Rename it to fw.img
RegionHax Installer:
IF you need FW.IMG and CFWbooter (mentioned below within the quote) for RegionHax Installer go back up to the Compilation of Wii U Tutorial and grab one of the two FW.IMG that corresponds to your installation Sysnand/Rednand under Update 12-15-16: and in the GITHUB link listed above and under the "Getting Started" section you'll have a link to download CFWbooter, and ETC.
Credits go to:
vickdu31 from @Gbatemp for his RegionHax Installer.
Scarecrow B from @Gbatemp for his Compilation of WiiU Tutorials GitHub.
Edit: I recommend you guys use these two App's to download (Backup) your Wii-U games,
---> WiiU_USB_Helper
---> uTikDownloadHelper
IMPORTANT: When you download and install either of these app's you'll be prompted to supply a website URL.
make SURE you input wiiu.titlekeys.com
UPDATE 12/15/16: So with this update STILL follow the Github link listed below and other stuff BUT replace the FW.IMG download from the GITHUB with one of the ones below all which depend on what installation you went with via the GitHub Sysnand/Rednand.
ALL CREDIT GOES TO Vickdu31 for compiling the FW.IMG and DIMOK for the source!
CFW (for Sysnand) :
Date compiled : dec 6 2016
Last commit : nov 21 2016
MD5 : E56B114F2A34B5BB74078872662E4C7A
Date compiled : dec 6 2016
Last commit : nov 21 2016
MD5 : 8E68AFCBA9A200E3CC75A3C13A4831CB
Note : Rename it to fw.img
I originally started this guide on github for my personal use since I found it a little bit annoying having to go through multiple guides in order to have my WiiUs ready for use (yes I have multiple WiiUs don't ask why), so I compiled and uploaded every file necessary and included all the steps related to “How to use”, starting with setting Rednand or Sysnand with iosuhax, region free the console and finally how to install games, updates and dlc.
I have tested everything there so I'm sure that it works if you follow the instructions.
I made the guide inspired in Plailects guide (from the 3ds scene) and I liked the idea of having all the files ready along with the steps to use everything, which simplifies a lot most guides that first make you compile everything.
Here is the guide: If you like it and find it useful you are free to use it:
Credits to all the people who made the original tutorials.
RegionHax Installer:
IF you need FW.IMG and CFWbooter (mentioned below within the quote) for RegionHax Installer go back up to the Compilation of Wii U Tutorial and grab one of the two FW.IMG that corresponds to your installation Sysnand/Rednand under Update 12-15-16: and in the GITHUB link listed above and under the "Getting Started" section you'll have a link to download CFWbooter, and ETC.
Regionhax Installer 1.0
A very simple script to make your Wii U region free.
Included in the tool :
- Modified wupclient.py
- A tool to find your Wii U IP adress (windows only).
- You will be able to see the what the script did, just open sys_prod.xml (the new one) and sys_prod.xml.bak (the one you had).
IMPORTANT : You need to reboot you Wii U if you used haxchi installer just before (or just after).
What do you need ? :
- Install Python 2.7 (only support 2.7 atm).
- A Wii U 5.5.1 EUR/JAP/USA
- fw.img (sysnand or rednand) on the root of your SD card and HBL and CFW Booter.
- Boot your fw.img
- Extract regionhax_installer_v1.0.zip in a folder.
- Doubleclick regionhax_installer_v1.0.py
- Follow instructions
- Once program is closed, reboot your Wii U.
Notes :
Be very careful the the region you select, it has to be your CONSOLE region.
I am not responsible if you Wii U Brick. I did many test to make sure this script is safe.
Reasons for possible brick :
- Your wifi connexion or your PC crash during file upload (0.1s)
- You modify my script for fun..
Credits :
NETOOBUNTU for finding this
smealum for iosuhax/wupserver
Credits go to:
vickdu31 from @Gbatemp for his RegionHax Installer.
Scarecrow B from @Gbatemp for his Compilation of WiiU Tutorials GitHub.
Edit: I recommend you guys use these two App's to download (Backup) your Wii-U games,
---> WiiU_USB_Helper
---> uTikDownloadHelper
IMPORTANT: When you download and install either of these app's you'll be prompted to supply a website URL.
make SURE you input wiiu.titlekeys.com
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