If the dull old winter’s getting you down and you’re feeling like you need a little extra comfort in your living room, how about downloading Cozy Fire for WiiWare?! Cozy Fire is designed to help you recreate a cozy cottage feeling at home, with a variety of logs and wood to choose from, which you can then neatly stack using your Wii Remote. Just as in real life, when you strike a match and light your Cozy Fire, you’ll hear a comforting crackling sound. It’s your duty to keep the fire going by stoking it and adding more logs so that it doesn’t die out. If even that’s too much effort though, you can switch to Butler mode and have the logs automatically placed on the fire for you! Or, even better, there’s a Non-stop mode where the logs never burn down.
Cozy Fire also gives you a choice of six different fireplaces: fire alone, campfire, rustic, classic elegant and Zen, as well as realistic physics simulation with PhysX by NVIDIA.
As crazy as it sounds, I kind of like the idea of it! Looks very relaxing. You can download Cozy Fire now for 500 Wii Points via WiiWare.