Clueless Please Help


WiiChat Member
Mar 3, 2008
Wii Indoor SportsDoes anyone have any information on this? Why is this a National Secret? Supposed to Come out in a week and no previews?

I love Wii Sports and want more games like it

Lookin at Wii Carnival Games and Wii Game Party

Advice comments welcome!
Carnival Games and Game Party are terrible games...

if you want in-depth reviews, etc, on games, you can search for vids on Youtube and see if you like how it looks, and also and and for reviews of the game, etc.
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Still looking for anyone who has information on "Wii Indoor Sports" a game that is supposed to be released March 10
Acolyte said:

Still looking for anyone who has information on "Wii Indoor Sports" a game that is supposed to be released March 10

The only information that we all know is that Brawl comes out the day before it!
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Is it strange that a game has absolutely no information about it available days before release? I'm new to the Wii world...
Acolyte said:
Is it strange that a game has absolutely no information about it available days before release? I'm new to the Wii world...

Maybe it was a rumor you heard?

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