Classic Controller on PC???


WiiChat Member
Apr 29, 2007
I think we have all seen the wiimote be used with pc applications but could the classic controller w/ wiimote be mapped to a pc app, for instance for emulators???
elric121 said:
I think we have all seen the wiimote be used with pc applications but could the classic controller w/ wiimote be mapped to a pc app, for instance for emulators???

that would be cool!:D
i dont know if it can be done yet, but it wouldnt be too dificult...

im not a coder but i know that this task would be quite easy, especially as the wii remote can already work with PCs...
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well you can use the xbox 360 controller with out an adapter...but the d-pad on it sucks. the d pad on the classic controller is great (which is why I was interested)
GaryT85 said:
Darkprinny, i knew about those, but was thinking the way the classic connects to the remote as opposed to plugging direct...

You mean wireless controllers ?
no i was more thinking the way that the adapters you were talking about was for using wired controllers, direct to the pc, via the adapters..

but using the the classic controller which plugs into the remote, then using a bluetooth connection from there, so you dont need to be wired direct to the pc..

(i hope that makes sense, it does in my head anyway...)
It does but I dont see why youd want to use the classic controller for games
Youd be better off usein a diffrent make of controller as the classic contorller isnt that good for loads of games (im talkin emu and VC here)
No point

You can get loads of addapters to plug allmost any pad going into a PC with one of these.

I have one of the 2 slot PS2 to USB adapters, they work well
but I really hate the "4 diamonds" style of the stock PS2 d-pad.
Thought about getting a SNES to USB adapter, but sadly they
only come in single slot form. If some company were to make
a USB adapter for the Wii Classic Pad that you hooked in just
from the little wire at the bottom (instead of needing a wiimote
and a Bluetooth, and GlovePie and all that complicated crap)
I'm sure it'd be a big hit with emu gamers, but then of course
you know those folks would get sued into oblivion like Lik-Sang.
It sounds like it could definately work, but I don't know how, I don't do that stuff. I just use normal PC controller plug-ins.
I wish some third party company like SuperJoy would make a Classic Controller -> USB connector, it'd hafta have a female outlet for the classic pad to plug into, and it'd need its own length too (or perhaps the folks at RetroZone could strip one out and make it USB like they did with old NES pads. I like the thought of playing with the Classic Controller because of it's superb d-pad and extra buttons that'd work nicely with Zsnes, I just don't have the money or the patience to deal with the bluetooth/glovepie stuff.
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Well, if anyone ever figures out how to mod a Wii Classic Pad so it could be used on PC with
JoyToKey and give it its own 6ft USB cable, here is (imo) the perfect layout for it in Zsnes.

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