Choose your own Adventure

ninnie x

AKA nintendoxxx1
Oct 20, 2006
The Nearest Dumster to your house...
Wii Online Code
Ok, does everyone know how to play a Choose your own Adventure. I'm gonna right a story, and at points YOU will vote on what happens next. In this case, a Legend of Zelda story. Everybody ready? Good! Let's-a-go!

The Legend of Zelda: Kokiri Fun Fair Adventure
Choose your own Adventure

"Swish, swish! Buzz!!!"
Navi whizzed around a sleeping Link in the Kokiri Forest treehouse.
"Hey!", tweeted Navi. "Wake up Link!"
Link grumbled in his small, wool sleeping bed. The bed was sheered from the fine sheep of Lon Lon Ranch, and was a gift Link's mom had given him just before she died in the Hylian War.
"Wake up!"
Link slowly got up out of his bed.
"Did you forget?", said Navi. "Today is the Annual Kokiri Festival.
Link opened his eyes immedietly. "Really?!", he said. "There's so many activities to do!" Link hopped out of bed and out the door. He halted.
"Wait", he said. "I don't even know what to do first!"
"Need some time to think?", said Navi.
Link nodded.

A. Kokiri Wood Carving Contest
B. Kokiri Forest Tour
C. Kokiri Limbo
D. Let Navi choose

Let the voting begin!
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Ok, since it's been a while, let's continue the story!

Link continued to pace back and forth across the inside of the treehouse.
"I got it!", said Link suddenly.
Navi was knocked back by the boom of Link's voice.
"I'm gonna see how low I can go!", said Link.
"Ow, my ear", said Navi "Ok then, lets get to the limbo."
Navi hopped aboard Link's shoulder.

Link walked outside and smelled the evergreen smelling air of the Kokiri forest Village Meadow. He walked over to the Limbo section near the hole where he had first found the precious charm of the forest, the Kokiri Sword.
"Hey Link", said Fall Leave, a girl that Link had made a relationship with since Saria had gone missing.
"Uh... Hi, Fall Leave", said Link nervously, scratching his neck.
"I was thinking you and me could do the limbo together." said Fall Leave "You know- hand in hand. Tee hee."
Link turned around and held his fairy close to him. "What do I do?", he whisperd (although it was quite loud to Navi)
"It's your choice", Navi said. "Are ye CHICKEN?!"

A. Go with Fall Leave
B. Stay away from the Limbo
C. Act like a dog in front of Fall Leave
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