cheats on wii


WiiChat Member
Oct 19, 2006
vancouver, canada
Wii Online Code
what do you guys think cheats on the wii will be like.

It should be cool to have to do some kind of crazy manouver with your wiimote and nunchuck to unlock all levels.:lol:

anyways list your ideas of what a cheat might involve.
I don't think that too many games will have any manual codes for them. I haven't really came across a Mario or Zelda game with a in-game manual cheat exploit.
Meh I hate cheats in games
I think that would be annoying, due to cheating is meant to make the game easy ;) Though they will probably have some annoying thing like move cursor to the top left, then Marios nose, press 2, and Start' or something like that

The remote don't have many buttons, so cheats will be easy. Shazam!
Not really, the cheats have to already be built into the game. You can't make cheats a will with just button combinations.

This isn't Sonic the Hedgehog where you can press up,down,left and right to unlock stage select...
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ok u guys are missing the point here.

just imagin if you will. if u did like to cheat in games (dont worry i dont like to either). and imagin if there were cheats simmiliar to the sonic the hedghog days (not exploits and that ****) how cool it would be for them to get you to do some crazy manovure to unlock stuff. like mabye in madden if you spin around three times and then move the wiimote left to right you unlock spiderman as a playable character (that was just off the top of my head but you get my drift)
I got the idea from the first post and I stated my opinion. I don't like cheats to be there unless they are actually needed to unlock something. When I imagine cheats in a wii game, that'[s the only conclusion I can draw up.
probably goin to be make a "star" with ur wii-mote...or while presin "z" make a "circle" then press "2" and make a triangle" but knowin nintendo they never have cheats so its all up to the 3rd party....and i heard needforspeed its goin to be selling all there unlock-able contest for $49[not for wii this is for ps3 or 360] so ea may b droppin the cheats also.

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