Channels You'd Like To See

D Twizzle

Lovin' The Wii
Aug 16, 2006
Nottingham, England
Wii Online Code
I was reading the Iwata chat on about how everybody at Nintendo wants to have there ideas used as a channel, what channels would you like to see?

I'd like to see a preview channel with a list of all games in development with screenshots and videos.
I want to see some sort channel for downloading stuff lile save files from other wii users, you know, like peer to peer stuff, so you can download stuff easier.
If they have a channel for IPTV that would be interesting.. like watching streamed tv though your wii box.. hmmmm
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Ronan said:
i want to see a p0rn channel................too upfront?..................

oh oh and a sports news/highlights channel
LMAO, I can't see Nintendo going for the porn one. I can def see the sport idea going through though.
I would love to see a channel that is similar to youtube allowing peopel to share videos and pictures of themselves.
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drknife said:
I would love to see a channel that is similar to youtube allowing peopel to share videos and pictures of themselves.
Why when you can just go to youtube on the Wii?
i want them to come out with super mario brothers 3 on virtual consoles .. instead we get the old one
Some way to chat with people. If you could connect a keyboard to the Wii through the USB. ??
Jabba said:
Some way to chat with people. If you could connect a keyboard to the Wii through the USB. ??

I think you can connect a gc keyboard to it. i posted about that last week i think. But im sure wii will release one too i hope
Gosh, how old are we here? "Playboy channel please!" Come on, that's just sad.:rolleyes:

I like DragonWii's idea of steaming TV. Be nice to watch episodes of shows you can't see on normal cable, like X-play on G4TV (is that channel still around?).

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