A new puzzle game for all you Wii-owning wordsmiths out there has been launched today by OG International from the UK. The game is called Challenge Me: Word Puzzles, and it’s the latest game in the Challenge Me range to hit stores (previous games in the Challenge Me series include Brain Puzzles and Maths Workout). Challenge Me is chock full of word-based puzzles, providing hours and hours of head-scratching gameplay.* Gameplay modes on offer include Challenge Mode, featuring infinite puzzle combinations and a bar chart showing you how much you‘re improving from game to game, and Quick Mode, which offers a casual 3-minute puzzle fix.

The game features seven word-based puzzles in total: Link, Soup, Safeword, Anagrams, Word Search, Squares and Conundrum, with thousands of puzzles via the limitless combinations. It looks like it’s single player only, but there are four profiles available so you’ll have plenty of save slots for all the family.
Challenge Me: Word Puzzles is available in stores now.