Care for a Better Wii

Well supposedly later down the line, the only feature that is going to be added is a DVD playback feature.
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Kamikaze said:
Well supposedly later down the line, the only feature that is going to be added is a DVD playback feature.
if u want a dvd player buy one and if u want a entertainmeant system together then get a slim dvd thing and put it right next to your wii no one will notice nad it woulsd be like like there together

as for color i dont really care either
Exactly, I mean it would be great if they had it on at release, but oh well. It would be cool to play CDs through it though.
I think they might get some extras like External HD, maybe some kind of TDT (Digital TV), Webcam,.... As there are two USb conection, just imagin what they can do. But I donñt believe they will release very soon a new version....
And the colours..... I think the white is just great...... And it isn´t that with a new colour it goes better.....
Surely they will release a pink one, for the girly people out there

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