Capcom has upped its full year financial forecast on the back of better-than-expected software sales, while suffering a drop in Q3 operating income.
Resident Evil publisher Capcom has reported that net sales during the third quarter ended December 31, 2007, rose 4.8 percent to 51.7 billion yen. However, operating income decreased 8.2 percent to 6.1 billion yen, while net income fell 17.8 percent to 3.57 billion yen.
Capcom said that Resident Evil: The Umbrella Chronicles had achieved “robust sales, particularly in the US and Europe”, during the third quarter. In addition, Monster Hunter Freedom 2, released a year ago, has sold more than 1.5 million copies to date in Japan.
Wii exclusive Zack & Wiki: Quest for Barbaros' Treasure and Sengoku Basara 2 Heroes for Wii and PS2 were also noted as highlights, although results were offset by “sluggish growth” for We Love Golf and Mega Man Star Force 2.
During the nine months to December 31, 2007, Capcom reported game division revenues leapt 23 percent to 30.9 billion yen. Operating profit rose 38 percent to 6.04 billion yen during the same period, leading the publisher to raise its full year revenue and operating profit forecasts.
The Osaka, Japan-based publisher expects operating profit to rise to 11.5 billion yen, representing a 15 percent increase on its previous guidance. It also forecast that net sales and net income will rise to 81.6 billion yen and 62 billion yen respectively for the full year.
Looks like all those articles about 3rd partys still failing were wrong. Capcom is doing better and they expect their sales to be higher this year.