Capcom France: The Wii is becoming complex


WiiChat Member
Feb 7, 2007
Wii Online Code
According to, Capcom is kind of doing what Sega did with not making "mature" video games anymore, the "lesson"

Recently, we heard Sega voicing out its disappointment with the Wii audience's reception of mature games on the console. As such, they most probably won't be forcing the issue anymore for this year. Today, we have another publisher expressing concerns over the Wii console, this time in the form of Capcom France.
According to office head Antoine Seux, "Indeed, the Wii is becoming complex." He is of the belief that only high-profile games backed by "massive advertising campaigns" (ie. Mario games) are the only ones that stand a chance."For us, Capcom, the future is the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360."

Apart from that, however, Seux also predicted that 2010 will be "a difficult year for the handheld in general, DS or PSP." As to how he was able to glean that prediction, he did not say.

To check out the full interview with Capcom France's Antoine Seux, head to the source link below.

heres the link
i dont believe mass amount of commercials are the only games with massive sales internet commericials work just aswell ie "youtube"
>Capcom France

Since when dose there French division make games?

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Capcoms other division have said the following
Further to comments made in a recent article on French website Gamekult, Capcom would like to confirm its commitment as a multi-platform developer and publisher of interactive software.

Kind regards

Capcom's European PR Team
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>Capcom France

Since when dose there French division make games?

Edit -
Capcoms other division have said the following
Further to comments made in a recent article on French website Gamekult, Capcom would like to confirm its commitment as a multi-platform developer and publisher of interactive software.

Kind regards

Capcom's European PR Team

I asked myself that same question this morning when i posted this.
He is of the belief that only high-profile games backed by "massive advertising campaigns" (ie. Mario games) are the only ones that stand a chance."For us, Capcom, the future is the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360."

Funny that the big sellers on 360/PS3 are also the ones that have massive advertising campaigns. Maybe if a 3rd party Wii game had the same level of advertising as a Mario game then it would also sell in big quanitities.

Hopefully Monster Hunter Tri will be a good seller for Capcom with Nintendo assisting them. Tatsunoko vs Capcom deserves good sales too. Both games will be getting my $'s when they are released, so there's $100 for you already Capcom.

Of course it is easier for most publishers to blame something else rather than accept their own inneptitude though.
Well, Capcom is simple like that!!

It's not only making hardcore mature games for Wii, it's making GOOD QUALITY HARDCORE MATURE GAMES the only way to gain sucess on the Wii!!

Try to do your best and you will be successful Capcom!!

Give us what we really WANTED!!

Take for example, port RE5 for Wii with the RE:DC graphics, the RE4 Wii edition's gameplay, all the modes, features and DLC the lastest PS3 version has and you will see how successful this game be on the Wii!!
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Read the other posts before posting.

Capcom Europe has dismissed that statement.
He probably said it cause he was French

Tatsunoko vs Capcom deserves good sales too
It deserves it
But it wont get it as few know who Tatsunoko are with out googling there name and still looking puzzled as none of the characters on that side are that well known (even to me)
Well aside from the Battle of the planets people, but for legal reasons they cant say they're from that series.

Needs more Samurai Pizza cats
Wii is complex? Oh come on give me a break. What is so complex about developing a triple A style Wii game with some decent advertising push? Wow didn't know developing on what is basically older and cheaper tech is more complex to dev for than the more expensive ,and multi core processors.

If its the market that is complex. Well heres the answer. Do games that are spin offs in story only not in gameplay. Give us a unique Resident Evil game thats not Resident Evil: Rail Shooter 3. Give us maybe a Dead Rising Prequel exclusive to the Wii. How about a re imaging/remake ,or even side story to Devil May Cry. This is what the Wii core market wants not rail shooters ,and half ass ports with poor advertising, or lack there of. Hell i didn't realize that was so complex either.

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