Hey everyone got my wii for x-mas and Been having a hard time gettin e-mails and Wii mails to send. Everything works like the shop channel and forcast one and that means my internet is all hooked up.
But the only time i get any new mails or send any is when i browse on the shop channel for like 4-10min. I go back to the main menu and Bam new messages! does anyone know why. I contacted nintendo and they dunno whats up either.
I cant connect with other Peoples wii's cause it never sends out the message pretty anoyying. Any thoughts?
But the only time i get any new mails or send any is when i browse on the shop channel for like 4-10min. I go back to the main menu and Bam new messages! does anyone know why. I contacted nintendo and they dunno whats up either.
I cant connect with other Peoples wii's cause it never sends out the message pretty anoyying. Any thoughts?