cannot connect to internet


WiiChat Member
Mar 11, 2008
hey i wanted to connect to the internet but when i connect in comes up as an error

i use a wireless router and it has picked it up once but now it doesn't, the time is had picked it up i have gotten onto the wifi in super smash brothers but then it cuts me off.

i use a usb adapter to get the wireless internet for my computer, and i even tried putting that into my wii

any suggestions?

i use Netgear
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i just redid my connecton settings, i cleared it and searched for an access point and i found it it was my netgear with 2/3 bars and then once i save it i test the connection then this pops up

error code 51330 unable to connect to the internet choose internet settings and then confirm your connection

?!!?!? it said i had an access point and its connected?!?!

i needdd help!

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