Canada - wii accessories & Zelda


WiiChat Member
Nov 10, 2006
Wii Online Code
Is anybony able to fin a nunchuk or a copy of Zelda here in Canada? If so, when and where did you buy it (after launch day of course!)

Can't get a hold of Zelda here in Quebec!
I've seen zelda at Bestbuy [Ontario] and EB games. Went today to Bestbuy to pick up a nunchcuk and Wiimote. I got the last nunchuk and I seen no Zelda left.

Good Luck with your search.
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Thanks for the info! Anybody else?
friend said she went to blockbuster to rent some games n got zelda there as well as she bought the remote n nunchuk there as well. try there. theres so many stores that probably have em. dont just rely on certain stores. look all over. walmarts,zellers,video stores,gaming stores,toys r us, anywhere: ) good luck
they are supposedly selling a copy for every console... since mine was bought without one I had faith i'd be able to track one down in the city (halifax, NS). I got mine wednesday (maybe tuesday but I think wed) by calling *every* place that sells games or even might sell games and the last place on my list had one copy. Walmart ain't all bad I guess. You shouldn't have a problem at all finding stuff today
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why today? new shipments were coming in in Canada?
Yep. My buddy scored a Wii this morning at futureshop, they got in 4 I believe. (60 on launch) so I don't think systems are being pumped in but I just made a quick call to a few of the stores around here and they all have a good supply of accessories. being as you're in a larger market there should be a good chance of you picking 'em up today. call around and I'm sure you'll be set.
I finally got my second wiimote and nunchuck this afternoon at Zellers in London, ON. They had a ton of Zelda games there as well. They didn't have any consoles, but they said that would be getting some tomorrow (Sat).

Just keep calling all the stores every day and eventually you'll snag one (Zellers was even able to put them on hold for me which a lot of stores won't do, i.e. Future Shop)