Can Wii play english games?


WiiChat Member
Jan 2, 2007
my bro just got me a wii. yee and umm..its a japanese Wii (he said it was cheaper lol) well can it play english games?
You're pretty screwed, since Wii's are region-coded, so unless you get a freeloader like on the GC, there's no way to play non-Japanese games on your system for now. Your bro was pretty stupid =/.

P.S.: First post ^^
Yeah Games such as Wii Play and Wii Sports will work on Any Wii apparntly but normal games won't

Looks like you'll have to ship your games from Japan. As long as the Shipping Fee is low it shouldn't cause too much harm. Of course you can't go and get a game as you like you have to wait =/
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omg....ARE YOU SURE? 100% sure? my bro said it can......zomg
NuFLo said:
It can only play the games made by nintendo, im 90% sure. No Red Steel or Raymen etc

Umm yes it can, but only the japanese versions.

Yah your bro screwed you, I guess he thought he knew everything and bought it anyways. Sell it on ebay you may be able to turn a profit and get yourself a wii for your region of the world.

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