Can someone help me on this?


Totally Wiicked
May 10, 2007
I have a japanese wii and a japanese Super Paper Mario, just want to ask if I can play this game in my wii can I also play the ntsc-u version of this game in my wii without bricking it? Also did'nt do any update on my wii cause I dont have a net connection.
Yeah, you can play it, you're Wii will only brick if you have a PAL Wii.
To clarify further, even the US/Japanese version of the game can be played on a PAL Wii if you update to firmware version 2.2E or later before inserting the game.

Although I have not heard of the Japanese console being effected I would suggest 2.2J before playing any of the games that include updates (SSX is another one)

I have read more than once that Nintendo will charge approximately 50 pounds to repair a chipped Wii.
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I just read some news regarding Wii japan console that will brick also if you have not updated your wii on the net or by update that was in the game! but...

In these couple of days, many Wii users in Hong Kong had "damaged" their Wii consoles. This is because they have installed mod chips in their Japan consoles. When they insert the USA new game Paper Mario, the game will upgrades the firmware of the console. However, the game cannot recognize that it is a Japan console (since modchip installed) and upgrades the USA firmware into the console. Finally, the Wii console will never works again!!! However, if the user have already played a new Japan game and upgraded (or upgrade the console via interenet) the Wii console before playing the USA Paper Mario, then there will be no problem.

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