Can nindento make a new firmware to download?


the guy below- HES BACK!!
Oct 15, 2006
Wii Online Code
With everyone saying the motion sensor isnt right etc. Is it possible nintendo can make an upgrade that automatically gets upgraded onto ur launch? is that possible and do u think they will do that? ALso, for the ppl who need to return it, r u going to call nintendo first. I get mine this week, i hope it works great ( knocks on wood) with no problems..
Well still considering they still have the online service and the Wii does infact have a 512MB flash as claimed yet it is possible. It is also probable that if they do release a firmware update, you will be able to download it via your computer or order a cd online.
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thats good to know... Honestly i expected the wii to have some problems.. but nintendo is probably aware and working on fixing it. when i get mine,i am going to go VERY SLOW hooking it up so i dont miss anything and when it is updateing, i am just going to walk away. Maybe soon, the ppl who have a wii and they r playing ti will come on and tell us about it... they r playing it know and the ppl whose arent working properly cant play it..
The sensor bar error can't probably can't be fixed through a firmware update, but they can send firmware updates through the online service. For the sensor bars, Nintendo will probably just have a recall on the defective sensor bars I would think.
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i just dont want to see every 1 sending it in and having to wait for nintendo to ship them out, yet u can buy a sensor bar online for i think it was $10 or less

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