Call Of Duty: MW3 Friend Code Exchange


Pft! >.>
Feb 12, 2011
Wii Online Code
Here's my fc: 4412 4778 4634

Alright, I don't cheat in this game so, like every cheater, I'll suck without cheats.
But, I'll get used to it :yesnod:

Add meh!
hey I tried to add you guys but when I put in the codes it read invailad codes. what do I do now???

hey here's my ally code if anybody wants to hit me up. 0448-7879-2332
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hit me up

I'm new to the online gaming thing. I can't seem to get past the testing matches screen can anyone help me with this?
Hey, I have that problem too but try my code where you add allies (look at prier post) I will be on around 10 or 10:30 tonight if you want to try it .
MW3 Friend Code

Hello! looking for good players with or without Mics to add to my team. I hate playing alone and enjoying being able to use the mic in order to help us win the game.

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