The conduit!
Welocme to my thread!
I would like to have a little match, a great one for cod waw. If you have a wii, cod waw for wii, and online, u can play with us. If you wish to add me to ur frineds list, put ur wii friends code and cod waw friend code and i will private messgae mine to urs. Also, i will teach u some comands so if u play with some of my buddies, u can communicate. Anyways, put ur frined code down and lets kill though nazis and usa (if u want too
I would like to have a little match, a great one for cod waw. If you have a wii, cod waw for wii, and online, u can play with us. If you wish to add me to ur frineds list, put ur wii friends code and cod waw friend code and i will private messgae mine to urs. Also, i will teach u some comands so if u play with some of my buddies, u can communicate. Anyways, put ur frined code down and lets kill though nazis and usa (if u want too