bubble boy



what an underrated movie! i secretly love it lmao
a bubble boy who traveled all the way to niagra falls to stop a wedding and to tell this girl he loves her

good move, wanna see it again

Hmm.. think I'll give it a miss lol
Lmao, I want to see that:lol: Bubble boy, does he live in a bubble?

It will never be as good as the station agent<3 what a film, I am currently obsessed:lol:
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yeah its a classic!!!!

you must watch it one day if you already havent. "YOU WANT 500 DOLLA!?!?!?!?!"
The_Loose_Cannon said:
yeah its a classic!!!!

you must watch it one day if you already havent. "YOU WANT 500 DOLLA!?!?!?!?!"
:lol: oh yeah, the part when the bubble boy wants 500 dollars to pay the taxi driver, funny

then he wrestled 2 chicks for it


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for those that just dont understand

bubble boy? ohh is that the film ive never herd of until now, yeah i dont know it. but is it good? if it is i might see if i can't get my hands on it
omg i would have loved to see a sequel, but then again, it there cant be.

at the end, he realizes he can live outside the bubble and so he gets out of the bubble. so they would not be able to make bubble boy 2 which sucks.
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in the land of entertainment, everything is possible

cloe and jimmy can have a kid with no immunities and he goes to college to get drunk and screw hot chicks lol!

comeon! its a straight to dvd failure lol

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