brawl stories


Yes i am Amazing
Dec 15, 2007
behind you
Wii Online Code
i made this forum where people could post their stories of brawl matches they played and were kinda funny like one i played, it was an online game with a random person and they were playing as ike and i was winning they needed one more kill to beat me he just got they smash ball and b4 he could use it i sent him flying and i won the game and i knew he was mad
i was playing a series of brawls online with this one group, and i was particularly trying to smash this guy who kept using Marth (who is MY character!). I was winning every match, but in one he smashed me in the last ten seconds, but i hit him at 5 and as soon as the clock hit 1 he lost a life and we were tied. when we did sudden death, both of us sat there, waiting for the other to move, when i used my taunt and then ran at him, before he could react i swiped him offstage! lol it was so funny i had to keep the replay, that guy got ownd.
I won one match by simply taunting on one side of the stage the entire time waiting for smash balls. I managed to get both. I was Luigi so I got trapped all 3 of them in my green sphere. Then it was a matter of moving the c-stick. So I scored 6 points and got the win because of it.

Taunting is crazy. I was a spectator in which there was this Mr. Game and Watch who would walk up to every character and ring the bell. Nobody hit him when he did it and he somehow winded up winning. It was crazy really. All you saw was this light blue 2D figure ringing a bell in player's faces. I guess they just wanted to ignore him...
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i was playing sudden death with this one person and as soon as it said go i ran as fast as i could at him using Meta Knight and hit him he didnt even get to move
i was playing once against cps, and it went to sudden death between all four of us, and 3 of us ended up dying at the exact same time, im not sure how that ended up happening =S but ne ways, peach ended up winning even tho she didnt do nething the whole match!
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i was playing on the final destination with two players and they were at the edge and i rolled a crate killed one guy inside the crate was a bomb that the other guy picked up and it exploded he died 2 kills in under 10 secs

It was when I first played online matches with my friends. I tried metaknight.

It was me and a friend who used sonic.

Both had one stock left.


I was looking like I was going to lose, and then I picked up curry.

Was at the edge. Got sonic in a combo.

Metaknight's combo brought sonic in, while the curry pushed out.
He was in limbo as I did 70% damage in 3 seconds.

So I stopped, and was going to smash him.

But I was lagging.

And walked off stage.

I lose.

I have it on replay, it's still just...

omfg like one time i was like playing like Pikachu and like i was fighting this random person and like i like won like lmao
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^^ wow you must be really bad if you are excited when you win ^^
Trulen said:
I have it on replay, it's still just...

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once i was on wi-fi and it was me (Link) Vs. ? (Pit) and my health was at 300:mad5: and i got the smash ball and i was runnin to him about to kill him :devil: and outa nowhere he pulls out a bomb-omb and chunks it at me!:yikes: and i died!:mad2: :incazzato: :nono: :mad5: :eek:ut: :shocked:
Gir100193 said:
omfg like one time i was like playing like Pikachu and like i was fighting this random person and like i like won like lmao

OMG! Epic story

This one match ... on brawl ... online ... I like ... used Ike ... and pwn't ... the noobs ...

Well... It was Sudden Death. Me VS Some random dude. It lasted a while then he got me! Right after he hit me he started to taunt me. Now the hit sent me launching to the background. Suddenly when he started taunting me, bombs were falling all over the place. I guess thats what happens when you spend too much time in Sudden Death. Well he got launched to the top right and his death happened like a split second before me. After he found out he actually lost he left the room! It was quite funny lol...:lol:
I was fighting online on Big Blue when there was 10 seconds left. I had (me/Toon Link)1 and my opponent had 0(Mario). He got the dragoon and killed me. 5 seconds left he taunted but realized he was on the very first car when it was going off screen. I spiked him before he jumped onto another car and he fell on the track. He died when it was at one second. And I had got the point.

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