

Oct 3, 2006
Hey anyone here watched Borat the journalist (aka ali g) its sooo funny here are some of his quotes

"Yagshemash! My name a-Borat. These are my country of a-Kazakhstan. It nice."

"Englishman must have a hobby. Some like to collect the stamp or make jam. But the most fun is to kill a a little animal with a shotgun or rip him up with a wild dog."

"There is land of opportunities in US of A. For man, construction work, taxi driving and accountancy. For woman, as a prostitute."

"We say in Kazakhstan, "You find me woman with brain, I find you a horse with wings."

"In America, women can vote, but horse cannot. It is the other way around in my country."

"In the US and A, if you want to marry a girl, you can't just go to her father's house and swap her for 15 gallons of insecticide."

"My wife, she make very much noise when she do a toilet.

"This one I have to pay money for, but she worth it! Waah, waah, wee-waah!"

"I had a very bad gypsy attack; they stole my wife, plough…and they touch my horse in a very bad way. He got very depressed."

"To the world, I love you! Apart from Uzbekistan. Assholes."

Ali G is so copy pasta
Same joke all the time
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ya the movie should be coming soon. Apparently ali g is now 6th most famous man over in kazakhstan just because of borat, though im surpised how he can get interviews with famous people and makes fun of them.
DragonWii said:
though im surpised how he can get interviews with famous people and makes fun of them.

That's the point- he's pointing out how gullible celebrities can be. :D

Personally I think the Borat character is a lot funnier than Ali G (and I hated that Ali G film, so I'm hoping this is better).

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