

WiiChat Member
Dec 6, 2006
America... =)
Hi everyone, just thought I shoukd Intro myself before I get messages saying, "Who the hell are you?!"
I'm Kurai. Im a girl and I love video games, and comic books, anime, manga too.
My myspace name is under 'Kurai' So if any of you wANT to no more about me, you can look at that...
Hey, welcome to Wiichat Kurai. I guess i'll be the 1st one to tell you that Wiichat is an awsome site and you'll really enjoy it here. :)

This place has got everything for your video gaming needs, so feel free to go wild. :lol:
Go bananas... and welcome to the Forums. Glad to see some ladies playing VGs
Welcome to Wiichat! i know from presonal experience that girl gamers can dominate lol (back in the days before Xbox Live, i was in a halo1 clan on XBC and the leader was a girl and she OWNED!)
Hey, welcome to the club - I only joined up yesterday but there seems to be a great crowd on here :)

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