bleach and naruto on wii release date

killa 101

WiiChat Member
Jan 24, 2007
bleach came out in japan in like december 23 or sumthin and naruto is comin out in japan in february 22 but i wanna know when they are comin out in north america plz thx

BY THE WAY NARUTO AND BLEACH ROCK LOL:D :D :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
Bleach wiiiiiii!!!!!! I cant wait for that game. Never really got into the anime..but theres still time. Not a big fan of naruto though. Hopefully the games will rock.
If those are awesome anime's in your opinion, then you are missing out on a lot of good stuff. bleach and naruto SUCK compared to most of the other non-mainstream anime. the game looks cool though :D
From what I've read the Bleach Wii game just isn't that great, the controls are completely unresponsive so you might want to just not worry about that one.

Naruto is different story. The GNT series is awesome or Clash of Ninja in America. The Wii game is all about Part 2, the Time-Skip stuff. Everyone is older and stronger. I'm importing GNTEX, I already have my pre-order.

The really big problem with them coming to America is the shows. America is no where near Japan when it comes to the shows. In Japan Bleach is already past its fillers and onto its new stuff. Naruto is even farther ahead of America because people who only watch dubs don't have a clue who the Sound Four are, let alone about Time-Skip stuff. Both games wouldn't be released until the shows catch up to the games, which will be a while. So if your waiting for an America, probably a UK release to, your in for a loooooong wait. So if you really want them, you'll have to wait for a Wii Freeloader and import.
FSUMercerian17 said:
From what I've read the Bleach Wii game just isn't that great, the controls are completely unresponsive so you might want to just not worry about that one.

Naruto is different story. The GNT series is awesome or Clash of Ninja in America. The Wii game is all about Part 2, the Time-Skip stuff. Everyone is older and stronger. I'm importing GNTEX, I already have my pre-order.

The really big problem with them coming to America is the shows. America is no where near Japan when it comes to the shows. In Japan Bleach is already past its fillers and onto its new stuff. Naruto is even farther ahead of America because people who only watch dubs don't have a clue who the Sound Four are, let alone about Time-Skip stuff. Both games wouldn't be released until the shows catch up to the games, which will be a while. So if your waiting for an America, probably a UK release to, your in for a loooooong wait. So if you really want them, you'll have to wait for a Wii Freeloader and import.
crap. when you say loooooong wait, rougly when exactly? (fingers crossed)
That's sad - since austrlia hasn't even heard of bleach (backwards craphole for anime we are) and with maddman (our only disributor) having been bought out, things will get worse.... Once it GETS here, the anime needs 2 years of airing to catch up to the game! who wants to wait that long

The person who said that about non-mainstream - obviously you weren't into bleach when it wasn't mainstream like some of us. This day and age, the "I like REAL anime" crap is getting very old and verry weak. I suppose you like dbz or some other crap? because that seems a comon thing for the bleach haters.... Anime crosses every genre and taste. Don't slam somebody simply because you happen to prefer a different one. Personally, I never thought Bleach would go mainstream, but in the beginning I never thought FMA would either. I thank the mainstream for finally GETTING SOME TASTE! instead of abandonning something cool just because I don't want to be "normal" or out of a desire to be seperated or different... I am Happy to see growth in the list of actual cool anime I can TALK TO PEOPLE about because their is more chance they've seen it even if they are "uneducated" in the complex matter of "real anime".
Yeah I would like to see allso some Anime games reach Europe and America witch I think has way more marketing grounds for these games that few years back and it's still growing rather fast. As for time it would take for NA to get to point where in Anime in Bleach... well I don't know how many episodes have been aired in NA but I think it has not aired that long yet so maybe like about 20 (am I even remotely close?) and Bleach Episode 112 aired some hours back in Japan and that has not shown all characters in game so far either. I think both Bleach and Naruto has been made from manga rather than Anime. So maybe something like 6-12 months would be expected if they are gonna translate those games at all. In my oppinion it would be waste not to according growing consumer base on both Wii and anime. But that's just me maybe so I think all we can do is hope.

As for "real" anime I think there is no such thing. I watch rather large amount of anime and consider myself as mediocre anime otaku. But I think pll cannot say that Anime is not real just because it's gone mainstream just like pll cannot say Artist does not make real music since he/she has become popular. Well again thats just me. Though I must say I regret to see some really promising series go bad just because studio tries to make more money with it or some really good series cut in middle cause of not enough support (Kareshi Kanojo no Jijou being prime example).


btw if you like Bleach alot I would recommend to watch Shakugan no Shana allso. :cool:
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