in this moment right now im like a lost soul roaming the world of the living because of the fact that i still dont have a wii console.
but thank the lord that i have a friend that does and im practically living there .
he must be pissed off each time i go there cause i dont let him play his wii cause theres only one controller.
that said he has the obvious wii sports the awe inspiring zelda and bland steel....oops i mean red steel,red steel is a game that made me realize some of the wiis weak spots that could ultimately spell its doom.
red still is a game for the wii from the ground up ,its ssupposed to show up the wiis control dynamics and what the wii is capable off ,that said it fells short
when i played it it felt kinda like election day......ur president promises u the world and a great future but when hes elected all the crap hits the fan and the promises are gone with the wind.
lets start with the fact that this is a FPS game that uses the wii mote and nunchuck......the fps is almost dead ass slow & almost nonexistent,it would have been better to play it with the classic controller,that is the biggest flaw and it was supposed to be the biggest strenght,what nintendo stands for is gameplay not graphics,
and the only reason i find myself playing red steel is its graphics not gameplay.
and the multiplayer outright sucks!!!!.......only 2 players and the split screen is ancient and sucky!!!
red steel is a deceptive name for this game cause i didnt find a single drop of blood anywhere even when slashing away with my trusty katana.
but thers no denying that red steel is a beatifull game graphically speaking from the old dojos trought the seedy neon glowing seedy backgrounds,and the best thing are the explosions light effects rain everithing is pure eye candy,but what holds it back its the enemies in the game and the main character and the lame ass cut seens that belong to a N64 game and a bad one at that.the game musical score its great and its engaging but the voice acting is very painfull and the actors try too hard to speak with a japanese accent.
in conclusion all that talk about gameplay not graphics does not apply to red steel because the only strength of the game is its graphics not its gameplay.
if ur looking for a new gameplay out of this world u better buy the medal of honor game,while the game isnt as pretty as red steel the controls put red steel to shame,or wait for the Metroid wii game instead or wait for the price of this game to drop and buy it or exchange it to a braind dead friend for wii sports........wait wii sports is way sweeter than red steel.
that is all!!!!
but thank the lord that i have a friend that does and im practically living there .
he must be pissed off each time i go there cause i dont let him play his wii cause theres only one controller.
that said he has the obvious wii sports the awe inspiring zelda and bland steel....oops i mean red steel,red steel is a game that made me realize some of the wiis weak spots that could ultimately spell its doom.
red still is a game for the wii from the ground up ,its ssupposed to show up the wiis control dynamics and what the wii is capable off ,that said it fells short
when i played it it felt kinda like election day......ur president promises u the world and a great future but when hes elected all the crap hits the fan and the promises are gone with the wind.
lets start with the fact that this is a FPS game that uses the wii mote and nunchuck......the fps is almost dead ass slow & almost nonexistent,it would have been better to play it with the classic controller,that is the biggest flaw and it was supposed to be the biggest strenght,what nintendo stands for is gameplay not graphics,
and the only reason i find myself playing red steel is its graphics not gameplay.
and the multiplayer outright sucks!!!!.......only 2 players and the split screen is ancient and sucky!!!
red steel is a deceptive name for this game cause i didnt find a single drop of blood anywhere even when slashing away with my trusty katana.
but thers no denying that red steel is a beatifull game graphically speaking from the old dojos trought the seedy neon glowing seedy backgrounds,and the best thing are the explosions light effects rain everithing is pure eye candy,but what holds it back its the enemies in the game and the main character and the lame ass cut seens that belong to a N64 game and a bad one at that.the game musical score its great and its engaging but the voice acting is very painfull and the actors try too hard to speak with a japanese accent.
in conclusion all that talk about gameplay not graphics does not apply to red steel because the only strength of the game is its graphics not its gameplay.
if ur looking for a new gameplay out of this world u better buy the medal of honor game,while the game isnt as pretty as red steel the controls put red steel to shame,or wait for the Metroid wii game instead or wait for the price of this game to drop and buy it or exchange it to a braind dead friend for wii sports........wait wii sports is way sweeter than red steel.
that is all!!!!