black ops online probs


WiiChat Member
Jan 22, 2011
i have 2 nintendo wii's and 2 copys of call of duty black ops can i use both consoles to play black ops at the same time as the new console keeps saying black ops servers unavailable ive tried everything i can think of to get it working as i can do it with mario kart just not black ops any info would be greatly appreciated thanks:wiiconsole::wiiconsole:
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i can use my pc and my 360 at the same time with no slow down and mario kart online with both wiis at the same time its just black ops that wont work it keeps saying unable to connect to black ops server please try again later and its only the 1 console that does it ive checked all my internet settings on both consoles and there the same i cant figure it out im wondering if you cant use both consoles to play black ops on the same connection but that would seem strange as the 1 console will connect every time and it was the first one i used to play blck ops the other console wont connect to the server at all but the console will go online just not with black ops its strange ive even tried just using the problem one on its own and it still wont connect im confused lol
o that is wierd hmmm have u updated o and u could use both wiis i have done it useing the same internet in blak ops
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ive been on to activision and they told me that its not possible to use the same connection for both wiis at the same time as there servers cant tell the diffrence between the consoles they only use the ip address what a bummer that is, any 1 wanna buy a wii with black ops lol :blackwii: apparently you can use 2 wiis at the same time in the the states though damn you activision europe lol
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Best get it on the 360 and set up a Lan.

LAN FPS>Split screen>Online

Online is for people with out freinds
I love black ops only new though if anyone wants to add I'll put my ally code up soon. Also don't add me if ur like 30 cause yeah and also does anyone know were to get a mic if u no tell me it would be much appreciated thanks 
I love black ops only new though if anyone wants to add I'll put my ally code up soon. Also don't add me if ur like 30 cause yeah and also does anyone know were to get a mic if u no tell me it would be much appreciated thanks 
go to best buy or game shop they should have some there like 30 bucks or less


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