God's Gift To Canada.
Black Ops full multiplayer reveal is taking place tonight at 6:00 PM PST. The event is a media only event, but all attendees are permitted to share with cyber-world their experience throughout the whole event. 70 some twitter users will be sharing the experience and will be bringing you the highlights from their comments. Rather than following 70 sources, we will be bringing all the information together into one ultimate Black Ops multiplayer breakdown.
Throughout the night, this blog will be updated and republished on Refresh the blog page or check back from time to time to gather any new information. Please submit any comments or questions in our comment text box below.
Black Ops Multiplayer Reveal 10/1/10
Quoted from game developer - "What you're going to see tonight is entirely new altogether for Call of Duty multiplayer. Compete, Customize and Create -- the three pillars", says Bunting.
Death Machine
Grim Reaper
Napalam Strike
Mortar Team
SAM Turret -- set it up, take out the airborne attacks automatically
Many of the new Killstreaks have some layer of player interaction -- they wanted them to be more interactive
Death Machine is an epuc gatlight. Grim Reaper is a rocket launcher
Summit - Snow map with radar dish
Hanoi, Kawloon City, and Nuketown = Potential multiplayer map names.
Snow levels, jungle levels, urban areas
Combat Training - A new mode with bots. Players can play alone or with friends. Combat Training has its own ranking system. Designed to introduce new players to multiplayer.
Wager Matches - a new game type. Put your COD Points against other players and the top three people get paid in the match.
Types of Wager Matches
One in the Chamber: everybody has one bullet. If you kill someone, you get their bullet. If you miss, you have to knife them. You have 3 lives
Sticks and Stones - Crossbow, tomahawk and ballistic knife. If you hit witht he tomahawk, you bankrupt them
Gun Game -- straight from the community. Series of progressive weapons. Every kill moves you one in level of weapon -- pistol, two pistols, shotty, etc
Sharp Shooter is the 4th type. All players start with the same random weapon, and then the weapons all change at intervals. Everybody is always equal with the weapons
**Theater Mode**
All Live games can be played back, searched, tagged, everything. The footage is yours.
Diving motion now in game.
Marathon and lightweight back, same with akimbo
Perks will have an effect on how your multiplayer model look
Scrambler is a piece of equipment
Equipment: Camera Spike, C4, Tactical Insertion, Motion Sensor, Claymore
Change the color of the reticle -- red dot doesn't have to be red or a dot.
Flamethrower attachment
Emblem editor – images, layers, and a background. You change the scale, move, color, rotate, all that stuff. Create layers, then purchase the option with COD points to put it on your gun.
You can customize your weapon so it looks the way you want it to look -- new camo patterns, and you place your emblem on it, customize your red dot sight. Killcams reflect this so you will know exactly who shot you just by seeing their weapon.
Every time you play, you ear COD Points -- CP. What you used to unlock by level is now purchasable with the in-game currency. Unlock what you want when you want. Contracts are time-limited challenges you buy and get more CP if you finish them. "Using any combination of stats, we can make any kind of Contracts we want, and can change them at any time." Mercenary, Operations, and Specialist contracts. Make the investment in your own play style and then get paid for doing so.
Don't know if the Wii will have all of that stuff but let's hope for the best.
Here are some twit pictures from the event that were directly uploaded to Facebook by fans.

I'm guessing Spy Plane is going to be the new UAV / Recon Plane.

Ability to create your own emblem.

They've added ratio to the scoreboard.

The Wii version will definitely not look that good but we'll hope the best and I'll try to upload more photos if I can find some more.
Video trailers:
Call of Duty: Black Ops - Wager Match Trailer
Call of Duty: Black Ops - Multiplayer Overview
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