Black Friday


WiiChat Member
Oct 31, 2006
Queensland, Australia
Wii Online Code
I keep hearing mention of a "Black Friday". The only thing I can think of is 'Friday the 13th' ???

Is it a cultural thing or day, such Thanks giving? Just curious to know what it is and what is the history behind it (if it doesn't mean Fri 13th).
It's kind of an informal thing, not an official holiday or whatever, and pretty much restricted to the US--it's one of the biggest shopping days of the year, and can get pretty insane. It's always the day after Thanksgiving. It's called black friday because it would bring in a lot of cash for a store, so the store's sales would no longer be written in red (aka bad) but in black (aka good).
hopefully i can get to gamestop close to my house in the morning, then go work at Finish Line from 11-3. If i get my wii, i wont be able to play it until i got home :(
Kazz said:
hopefully i can get to gamestop close to my house in the morning, then go work at Finish Line from 11-3. If i get my wii, i wont be able to play it until i got home :(

Ouch, but at least you'll have one man. It truly is ana amazing console!
yeah. im going to hide it in my truck so my sister/parentals cant take it and be like:

Sister: (i come home, and shes playing), "ITS BOTH OF OURS!!!"
parents: "you cant play it until xmas"
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mxyplizk said:
It's kind of an informal thing, not an official holiday or whatever, and pretty much restricted to the US--it's one of the biggest shopping days of the year, and can get pretty insane. It's always the day after Thanksgiving. It's called black friday because it would bring in a lot of cash for a store, so the store's sales would no longer be written in red (aka bad) but in black (aka good).

Ah, I get it know. Kind of like the Boxing day sales here in Australia - Huge sales that start the day after Christmas so shops can get rid of all their excess Christmas stock.

Thanks for the clear up Mxyplizk. Wasn't sure what everyone was going on about. :lol:
Not to mention alot of stores do a 12am open. Meaning you can start shopping tonight here in NyC. I usually stay away as I hate the "I will rip you face off to save $5" crowds.
over here (UK) everything goes mad from 1st Jan - 31st Jan
Being in the red is being in the negative as in you are losing money and are in need of money to pay someone because well you owe money or somesort
I.e. Youtube Creator was in the Red
Being in the black means that you are rich, Meaning you are not in the red but you are living the life thats my meaning for being rich :p
I.e. Youtube Creator Sold Youtube's rights to Google for 1.64 Billion and due to that he is now in the Black :)
basicly its a chance to get all your christmas shopping done as soon as possible and the sales they have are HUGE. crazy shopping moms! ahhhhhh!!1

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