Black box


WiiChat Member
Dec 26, 2010
Indiana, USA
Does no one else understand how to play this? Everytime I play I get stuck with a team of idiots that just run in circles and do nothing to either hold on to the box or destroy it. I caught one of my teammates just throwing grenades into a room that no one was in.... bored much?
Does no one else understand how to play this? Everytime I play I get stuck with a team of idiots that just run in circles and do nothing to either hold on to the box or destroy it. I caught one of my teammates just throwing grenades into a room that no one was in.... bored much?

Wow thats sad I know how you feel just play the mode wit good players from your fc list.Btw hows goldeneye I haven't played in a while what lvl are you on now?
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Does no one else understand how to play this? Everytime I play I get stuck with a team of idiots that just run in circles and do nothing to either hold on to the box or destroy it. I caught one of my teammates just throwing grenades into a room that no one was in.... bored much?

Wow thats sad I know how you feel just play the mode wit good players from your fc list.Btw hows goldeneye I haven't played in a while what lvl are you on now?

Finally hit 36 today. You're missing out....
If your on MI6, you are supposed to destroy the blackbox (therfore the grenades). If you are on Janus team, you are supposed to hold the black box till the data can be downloaded. Black box mode does suck though.
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If your on MI6, you are supposed to destroy the blackbox (therfore the grenades). If you are on Janus team, you are supposed to hold the black box till the data can be downloaded. Black box mode does suck though.

I know how to play, its others that can't figure it out. The grenade incident happened at the Docks. The box was next to the stairs where people snipe into the room that everyone camps in. My teammate was upstairs in the room overlooking the big open area on the exact opposite side of the map, throwing grenades out the window.
I think playing black box is fun, but I admit that it gets boring how people play the same way on most of the maps.
I think playing black box is fun, but I admit that it gets boring how people play the same way on most of the maps.

fun...!? ...and how am I supposed to play that,I don't even understand it..
I played a good few rounds of Black Box earlier today. It was fun because EVERYONE knew what was going on. It's a very competitive game when it's played right.

Oh - and a guy named kicked the snot out of me on team conflict. Well done, sir.
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MI6 destroys the box to prevent the other team (Janus or Russians) from downloading the information within. You can shoot it, place mines on it, or throw grenades close to it. Just don't blow yourself up doing that.
MI6 destroys the box to prevent the other team (Janus or Russians) from downloading the information within. You can shoot it, place mines on it, or throw grenades close to it. Just don't blow yourself up doing that.

And how do you download data from it,cause I had it but didn't know how to do it....?
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It DL's for you automatically, as long as you can hold on to it. You get bonuses for every 10 seconds you got it.

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