Bestbuy Wii Stock :


Fo-Weva Pink!
Sep 18, 2006
In The Real World
*RUMOR* Best Buy Wii inventory numbers

This info was sent in by reader Dpcough, from a man he says is a trusted source. The post appeared over at the GameTrailers forums. Once again, this is not confirmed, but let’s hope it turns out to be true!

One of the leaders in retail, best buy will be a getting AT LEAST this many. After taking an average of diverse locations directly from Best Buy’s retail stock system(RSS) the total number units indicated is aprroximately 80-90 units. this ranges from 120 in the more popular stores to just 24 in bufu. not only that, but games such as red steel will be roughly 60 in number, and trauma center 30. these are just PRELIMINARY, that is the very first order for all stores. by november, i will have updated this and it will probably at least double by that time. now, supposedly best buy was supposed have gotten their shipment of Wii today 10/28 or tommorow 10/29, this date was pushed back to the luanch day of 11/19 most likely to stop the overload of employees checking. again, this is tentative inventory that has yet to be recived by ANY stores, but it is the actual information from the inventory orders.
yeah i dont think the Wii will be impossible to get like the PS3
Good thing everyone in my area thinks the Wii sucks because they have no idea how amazing the controller is :)
i hope those numbers are right! if not, i can wait a 2 weeks to a month for mine. i got Splinter Cell:DA and will have GoW to tie me over untill i get my Wii if i dont get it on launch :)
well if it is true I geuss I waiting at Best Buy instead of walmart!
I work at Sears in the electronics department and i will be sure to notify all you guys the day that we start getting Wii's in. It is a average sized store.

Sears has levels 1-6 which determine your size and how much you sell and what you will get get. My store is a level 3.

Just a heads up to you all
GreyKirby said:
Sears in Canada , i don't think they have an electronic store in there

Yes... we do have electronics in Sears! :lol: You were kidding right?! They only deliver a HUGE Christmas catalogue every year loaded with everything from clothes to electronics.
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tuned said:
Yes... we do have electronics in Sears! :lol: You were kidding right?! They only deliver a HUGE Christmas catalogue every year loaded with everything from clothes to electronics.
Oh i forgot about the catalogue but the sears closest to me doesn't have an electronic department...

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