Best games on Wii?


WiiChat Member
Jul 3, 2009
What are the best games on Wii for the following categories?

1. Bowling
2. Realistic Boxing
3. Tennis
4. Golf
5. Role Playing
6. Platformer
7. Dancing
8. Fishing
9. Best online game
10. Best game overall on system
11. Most difficult game on system (single player)

I want to hear everyone's opinions on this!
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What are the best games on Wii for the following categories?

1. Bowling
2. Realistic Boxing
3. Tennis
4. Golf
5. Role Playing
6. Platformer
7. Dancing
8. Fishing
9. Best online game
10. Best game overall on system
11. Most difficult game on system (single player)

I want to hear everyone's opinions on this!

1. Wii Sports Resort
2. Punch-Out (not realistic but motion controls adds realism & fun)
3. Not sure
4. Tiger 2010
5. Not sure
6. Mario Galaxy
7. Not sure
8. Not sure
9. Conduit/Mario Kart/Call of Duty World at War
10. Okami/Zelda/Madworld
11. Zack and Wiki
1. Wii Sports Resort (with wii motion plus)
2. Punch-out (cartonish with motion controls)
3. Grand Slam Tennis 2010 ((with wii motion plus)
4. Tiger Woods PGA Tour Golf 2010 (with wii motion plus)
5. Zelda TP and Okami
6. Super Mario Galaxy, Klonoa Wii and deBlob
7. ....
8. ....
9. Mario Kart and The Conduit
10. Okami/Zelda/Madworld
11. Zack and Wiki
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2. Punch-Out (not realistic but motion controls adds realism & fun)

Yeah I added the word realistic in there so that people wouldn't say punch out lol. Although it is a fantastic game, I don't consider it really boxing because its really just memorizing patterns and timing...
For now my list would look something like this:

1. Bowling - Wii Sports
2. Realistic Boxing - Don King Boxing
3. Tennis - Virtua Tennis 2009
4. Golf - Tiger Woods
5. Role Playing - Dragon Quest Swords
6. Platformer - Super Mario Galaxy (Best platformer I've EVER played)
7. Dancing - DDR Hottest Party
8. Fishing - Fishing Master
9. Best online game - Smash Bros Brawl
10. Best game overall on system - Wii Fit
11. Most difficult game on system (single player) - DDR Hottest Party
1. Bowling - Wii Sports (soon to be WSR)
2. Realistic Boxing - no idea
3. Tennis - Grand Slam Tennis
4. Golf - Tiger Woods PGA 2010
5. Role Playing - Rune Factory Frontier
6. Platformer - Super Mario Galaxy
7. Dancing - no idea
8. Fishing - Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess
9. Best online game - Mario Kart Wii
10. Best game overall on system - Super Mario Galaxy
11. Most difficult game on system (single player) - Trauma Centre
1. Bowling - Wii Sports/Wii Sports Resort
2. Realistic Boxing - There isn't really a stand out realistic boxing title, they've all been mediocre
3. Tennis - Virtua Tennis or Grand Slam Tennis
4. Golf - Tiger Woods 10
5. Role Playing - Little King's Story
6. Platformer - Super Mario Galaxy, Wario Land Shake It, Klonoa, de Blob, Mega Man 9
7. Dancing - I think DDR is really the only choice, I guess Samba de Amigo maybe too
8. Fishing - ? No idea
9. Best online game - Conduit or Mario Kart
10. Best game overall on system - Can't decide on one, lots of great games depending on what type of game you want
11. Most difficult game on system (single player) - Zack & Wiki, mostly because I can't think of anything else really difficult.

You shoulda added a Racing, Adventure, FPS, and Puzzle categories.

Racing - Mario Kart, Excite Truck, ExciteBots
Adventure - Okami, Twilight Princess
FPS - Conduit, Metroid Prime 3, Resident Evil 4, Call of Duty: World at War, Medal of Honor Heroes 2
Puzzle - World of Goo, Zack & Wiki
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Ok based on the opinions of myself and everyone else this is what the new list looks like so far:

1. Bowling - Wii Sports Resort
2. Boxing - Punch Out
3. Tennis - Grand Slam Tennis
4. Golf - Tiger Woods 10
5. Role Playing - Little King's Story
6. Platformer - Super Mario Galaxy
7. Racing - Mario Kart
8. Adventure - Okami, Twilight Princess (too tough to decide)
9. FPS - The Conduit
10. Puzzle - Zack & Wiki

11. Best online game - The Conduit
12. Best game overall on system - Super Mario Galaxy
13. Most difficult game on system - Zack & Wiki
1. Wii Sports Resort
2. not sure (never played Punch Out, looks good though)
3. not sure again
4. Tiger Woods 10
5. not sure
6. Everyone says Super Mario Galaxy, i'm just one of the very few who didnt like it -_-
7. DANCE DANCE REVOLUTION MARIO MIX! hahah i've never actually played a dancing game but i'd guess a dance dance revolution game.
8. No one plays fishing games lol
9. Mario Kart (except the hacking)
10. Mario kart
11. call me crazy, but i think getting all the karts, bikes, and characters in Mario kart is very difficult.

and a category you forgot, best baseball game = MLB Power Pros 08
amazing game :D

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