Best current DS game that DOESN'T use much bottom screen?


WiiChat Member
Nov 21, 2006
It seems lately that every DS game is using the bottom screen (which makes sense since... that's what the DS is for :p), but since I cracked my bottom screen, I have about 2/3 of it covered with dead pixels. I'm going to be borrowing my friend's DS sometime this week, but for now does anyone know of any good recent games out that don't use MUCH bottom screen (touch-wise I guess is ok, but not if you need to see everything on it). I tried COD4, and it was all great, until I had to connect circuit boards using the stylus. :(
Well if you get games that only use it for aiming and stuff you'd be OK. Like Metroid Prime Hunters, Call of Duty 4 and Geometry Wars. For Metroid, you'd need to see the top right of the bottom screen for weapon changing although you could roughly guess as there are only 3 slots; and for CoD4, you'd need to see the left side, but once again there are only 3 slots.

Also just occured to me that Mario Kart DS and Diddy Kong Racing DS only use the touch screen for the map (I'm not 100% sure on Diddy Kong) so you could play those fine, you just won't see shells coming at you and stuff [MKDS].

Problem is, most games that don't even use the touch screen capabilities like Tetris DS still use it for the main playing and then others like Advance Wars work better with the pad but since you can use the stylus which mens they put it on the touch screen. GBA games can be played on the top screen for all that matters.
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massi4h said:
Well if you get games that only use it for aiming and stuff you'd be OK. Like Metroid Prime Hunters, Call of Duty 4 and Geometry Wars. For Metroid, you'd need to see the top right of the bottom screen for weapon changing although you could roughly guess as there are only 3 slots; and for CoD4, you'd need to see the left side, but once again there are only 3 slots.

Also just occured to me that Mario Kart DS and Diddy Kong Racing DS only use the touch screen for the map (I'm not 100% sure on Diddy Kong) so you could play those fine, you just won't see shells coming at you and stuff [MKDS].

Problem is, most games that don't even use the touch screen capabilities like Tetris DS still use it for the main playing and then others like Advance Wars work better with the pad but since you can use the stylus which mens they put it on the touch screen. GBA games can be played on the top screen for all that matters.
Thanks for actually replying. Yeah, Call of Duty 4 would work other than sections that use touch like mini-games. And I guess I could go back to MKDS for a few days. Just have this sudden urge to play and probably won't get to borrow my friend's DS for like 5-7 days. Thanks for the suggestions.
Welcome, lol I didn't read your whole post where you mentioned the thing about Call of Duty. Yeah you completely get that problem and if you've got no-one to play the game is only single player which can get quite boring.

Just looked through all my games and I couldn't find another one that doesn't need the touch screen other than little games like Space Invaders Revolution and Bust a Move. Pokemon DP will work outside of battles, in battles you'll have to know what moves you have so you can pick them as that uses the touch screen.
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I should go back to playing Pokemon too. That worked well. Thanks.
PKMN you wont see you're Poketch and you're battle moves.
pokemons bottom screen isnt that iportant but without it you cant make poffins
You need to call Nintendo and get your DS repaired.

There isn't a DS game that doesn't use the touch screen.
It's kind of the whole point.
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Ok, thanks for all the suggestions. I guess I'll just have to get it repaired, because my friend's only giving me his DS temporarily. XP Think its $75USD... why couldn't it have broke DURING my warranty?? XO
i was about to say sonic rush..but if your screen is covered in 2/3 dead pixels then you probably couldnt see where u were going very whell while running on the bottom screen. i cant really think of any other games though that dont use the bottom screen so much.

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