Best combat game to make use of the Wiimote?

Hey Laserbreak,
No More Heroes is NOT a corny guitar game, it is a very fun gun where you run around with a beam saber and chop enemies into pieces.
Check out the video link below:

Its hard to describe the combat, but it is very fast, furious, and fun.
Its not a perfect game but the combat is excellent, the best on wii.
Check out some videos and reviews:
Mr.NiceGuy said:
Oh no... please try No More Heroes
It easily has the best combo/fighting system on the Wii.
There are two stances and a very intuitive and clever use of the wiimote. You hit the A and B buttons to do standard combos and then you can finish enemies off by either chopping the head off or slicing them in half with a nice flick of the wrist..... OR you can grab them and do some wrestling grabs by motioning with the wiimote and nunchuck.

Its hard to describe the combat, but it is very fast, furious, and fun.
Its not a perfect game but the combat is excellent, the best on wii.
Check out some videos and reviews:

Agreed, No More Heroes uses the Wiimote quite nicely.
Press A button for normal beam attacks, B button to kick/punch/grab for a throw where you then wave Wiimote and Nunchuck in proper directions or after slicing your opponent enough times with the A button you swing with the Wiimote for an ending blow.

Doesn't leave your arm sore after playing, and still manages to incorporate motions.
oh yeeeeeeah i remember this back like a year ago when it was still under development. why is it so under the radar? well it IS getting popular now...

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