WiiChat Member
It's been a couple months, but I watched a guy climb in behing the yellow pipes at the end of the bridge, right where it meets with the cliff face. As soon as the match started, he ran right for this spot. Once he was back there with his sniper rifle, he began racking up the kills. I tried to find him several times, moving all around the pipes, but couldn't figure out how to get back there. I even chucked a few grenades at him, but that didn't work either. Finally, I move up slowly along the cliff face and spotted the top of his head. Unfortunatley for him, he was the bald (white) MI-6 character. Once I found his head I was able to take him out, but only after he'd gotten 22 kills! He never tried to get back there again for the rest of the match.
Has anyone else seen a player do this?
Has anyone else seen a player do this?