Beatles Rubber Soul Download For Beatles: Rock Band Game-1.052009-12-13 15:44:47Maura SWhat’s the betting that millions of holiday parties and family gatherings this year will be improved no end by everyone crowding round the TV and playing some sort of Rock Band game on their favourite console? Well, bearing that in mind, the canny folks at Apple Corps, MTV Games and Harmonix have today announced that the Beatles’ 1965 album Rubber Soul will be available in its entirety for purchase, and playable as downloadable content from the Wii Shop Channel for 200 Wii Points per individual track from 15th December. Although Rubber Soul tracks Drive My Car, I’m Looking Through You and If I Needed Someone are already included on the Beatles: Rock Band game disc, fans will now be able to complete the album by downloading the rest of the tracks individually, including Norwegian Wood, Nowhere Man, Michelle, Girl and In My Life.