Band Hero help?


WiiChat Member
Feb 8, 2010
Hello, I'm new to this forum. I joined because I have a question.
I bought Band Hero (for the Wii, needless to say), and I can't figure out how to play multiplayer, if that's what it's called in this game. I'm not exactly a 'techie' or whatever, but I'm pretty good with electronics. But I simply don't know how to connect or activate the second remote with an instrument to the Wii. Can someone please give me a step-by-step walkthrough of how to do it, with great detail, like a '[Something] For Dummies' guide? I'd greatly appreciate it because it's starting to get annoying not being able to take advantage of everything the game offers. Thanks.
Welcome to WiiChat Lisi. :)

I don't have Band Hero but I can tell you how to normally connect your Wii remotes.

There are 2 ways to do this, one is permanant in that you wouldn't have to keep reconnecting them each time you play, the other is temporary.

Permanant - Remove the battery cover from the Wii remote, you will see a tiny red button below where the batteries go. Open the little flap on the front of the Wii and you will see a square red button. Press the square red button on the Wii and then the little red button on the Wii remote. It will flash and then one of the indicators will stay lit, either 1,2,3 or 4 to show what remote number it is. The advantage of this way is that now whenever you play a multiplayer game it should automatically detect the remotes that you are using.

Temporary - Press the 'home' button on the first remote. It'll go to the black screen with options on it. Point and click where it says 'reconnect remote', then press 1 and 2 on each remote that you want to connect. After they've connected just close the menu. The advantage to this method is that you can add remotes at anytime, even when in a game.

Hope that helps.
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Thank you! That did it! I can already have two people playing at the same time. I had to syncronize the second controller but didn't know how to do it. That was the problem. Thanks again!! =)

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