Asda stopping selling WiiUs*


An ancient one, banner of over a thousand acunts
Staff member
May 30, 2006
Super Mancyland
Wii Online Code
*In store

First they start selling them cheaper (£150 was tempting if it had games I want), now the stores stop selling them

UK retail behemoth Asda has removed Wii U games and consoles from its supermarket shelves.
The chain will continue to sell Wii U products online via its Asda Direct website, it told Eurogamer, but no longer through its stores.
"Asda continues to offer customers a selection of Wii U games and accessories through Asda Direct, but these ranges are currently not on offer in Asda shops," a spokesperson said.
Asda has yet to explain the reasoning for its decision, but its likely due to the ongoing sales struggle faced by the console in the UK - and worldwide.
The supermarket was previously home to a killer £199 price-tag for the Wii U Premium bundle, and is still offering the Wii U Basic for £149 online. Was this just to clear stock, ahead of the system's removal from stores?
The move ironically comes just as Nintendo finally starts releasing software for Wii U again. The brilliant Pikmin 3 launched in the UK last week alongside New Super Mario Bros. expandalone New Super Luigi U. The Wonderful 101 and Ubisoft-developed Rayman Legends both arrive in August, meanwhile.
We've asked Asda for further information on the change, and whether the decision is a permanent one.

everyone knows wiiU is going to outsell all consoles (except the 3ds) this holiday.

you should have got that deal while you had the chance...

good luck getting one with a good a deal as that.
Smash bros 4 won't make the WiiU
yup ps4 costs 500$ if you want to play online and get 1 game...speaking of games, ps4 has none to make anyone want it. just killzone and knack

xbox one has a horrible reputation right now and it will take them a while to prove the console will be 600$ with online and a 1 game...

wiiU has many games at reduced prices since it been out a year and will get some great deals on the console itself this holiday. it will be much cheaper than the other so called "next gen" (still weaker than a PC you can buy today) consoles. and it will have games for everyone by Dec with wiiFitU.

WiiU is the better buy.
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You're comparing apples to oranges here, Wii U is in the same group as Xbox 360 and PS3, which are arguably much better consoles. Xbox one and PS4 are the true next gen consoles.
You're comparing apples to oranges here, Wii U is in the same group as Xbox 360 and PS3, which are arguably much better consoles. Xbox one and PS4 are the true next gen consoles.
lol yea right...

the ps4 cant even run games at 60 frames per second....the xbox one can do it but has to make compromises on the graphics. you can build a pc today for the same cost as a Ps4 today and be much more "next gen".

i'm sorry but there is nothing "next gen" about the graphics on ps4 or xbox one.
Well for one, the consoles aren't even out yet and two, the same can be said for the Wii U.
exactly. graphics wont decide the winner.

games and new experiences will.

wiiU has the gamepad and soon wiifit to fill the active gamer needs and some great party games like "wiiU party" to get the family together.

plus core experiences with games like zelda winwaker and donkey kong country tropical freeze.
People will buy the PS4 and Xbox One for only the fact it's new. Current game library won't hinder that watsoever. This may just be me, but very seldom does my family get together to play a videogame. I see it as an "Ooh i'll buy this to get my family together!" that ends up just being you playing alone kind of thing.
People will buy the PS4 and Xbox One for only the fact it's new. Current game library won't hinder that watsoever. This may just be me, but very seldom does my family get together to play a videogame. I see it as an "Ooh i'll buy this to get my family together!" that ends up just being you playing alone kind of thing.

yes ps4 and xbox one will sell very well over the holidays... but what happens after christmas? what is there to make people keep going out and buy them?
thats the problem wiiU has. its the problem the psvita has. and it will be a problem for ps4/xboxone as well.

about family games... just becuase you dont have a family game night or video games when entertaining friends. doesn't mean nobody does. party and dance games sell well for a reason.
Wii U is in the same group as Xbox 360 and PS3, which are arguably much better consoles.


Current game library won't hinder that watsoever.

very much lolno

3DS sales were very poorly at launch 'cause the library was bad. The PS3 suffered for the same reason, and is one'a the reasons Wii U ain't sellin' too hot yet. Available games is the only reason to ever buy a console, people don't get a Wii for Netflix on the big screen or an ExBawks for Kinect (unless they're stupid). Most people won't buy a console 'til they have some hype for specific titles on their way/ones just released.
3DS sales were very poorly at launch 'cause the library was bad. The PS3 suffered for the same reason, and is one'a the reasons Wii U ain't sellin' too hot yet. Available games is the only reason to ever buy a console, people don't get a Wii for Netflix on the big screen or an ExBawks for Kinect (unless they're stupid). Most people won't buy a console 'til they have some hype for specific titles on their way/ones just released.
Reason why I'm not getting a Wii U until or after SSB4 releases.

Really? Are you seriously going to say with a straight face that the Wii U is above the 360 or PS3? Even when it has worse hardware, a tiny library of games and the third party support is dead? I think you're fooling yourself here, mate.

Considering that the xbone and PS4 are coming out this holiday, It's safe to say they'll be eating into any potential Wii U sales. Why buy a Wii U at 299$, when you can spend 50$ more and get a PS4? And think of it like this, Little Timmy or johnny aren't going to begging mom and dad to buy them the newest mario game and system. They'll want the newest COD, like all kids sad as it is.

In my personal opinion, The Wii U was rushed out so Nintendo could get a year start on the the other company's (Sony and Microsoft). They had very few games ready, and titles that were in the 'launch window' kept slipping back further and further into the year. This combined with poor marketing, a confusing name ("What's a Wii U? a new controller for the Wii?") and dying third party support wasted that year head start and now Nintendo has to go to head with the Sony and Microsoft this holiday. All in all, it doesn't look good.
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I certainly can't disagree they likely aimed for a (too) early release strategy, as well as the palpably poor marketing mistake they also made with the 3DS. But I will wholeheartedly argue against the other stuff ya said.

Really? Are you seriously going to say with a straight face that the Wii U is above the 360 or PS3?

'Course. The PS3's library was even more bare than the Wii U's at launch. Doubtful the 360 was much better. And as well all know, games make the system. When the storm of 1st party titles come, the U will of bested Microsod's and Sony's previous consoles with ease. Even with plenty'a years of lifespan left; assuming the 3rd parties stop pullin' terrible moves like EA.

They'll want the newest COD, like all kids sad as it is.

Nintendo still has a dominant market amongst youngin's, they just ain't the in-thing anymore. Y'know, what with gaming goin' mainstream over the past two decades or so. Furthermore, don't forget that Nintendo is the famed first or second console in a pair. There're far more WiiS3 'n Wii60 owners than there are dumbs who went the PS360 route. I believe that's how it'l play out yet again once the PS4 'n Nextbox get onto the market. 'Specially since Microsod so horribly ****ed themselves with the idiocy they tried with the One.

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