Are you afraid that Miyamoto and his Nintendo are going to screw with Wii?


Slowly returning..
Feb 10, 2007
Portugal, Portimão
Wii Online Code
It's a bit frustrating to know that several games like Elder Scrolls Oblivion are impossible games to be released in our Wii because of its hardware power being not like xbox 360 or ps3.
So we know that grafics are important to make the game more exciting to play, and we know that our Wii wasn't design to have a great grafics capacity like the other consoles.
If Nintendo did think in grabbing Wii's awesome gameplay and take some more time with Wii's grafics, it would be a better Wii. But that didn't happen.

So are you afraid that Miyamoto and his Nintendo are going to screw with Wii?
Sorry - but I don't get it. Your point seems - well - pointless to me.

Wii has not been "screwed with" - rather the consumers who think the graphics are lacking and that this is a downfall have fallen for one of the longest running con jobs of the modern world.

The reason Wii will triumph in the end is because the whole concept has dragged the gamer out of the thumb twiddling bullcrap armchair garbage that he/she has been falling into since consoles entered the true mainstream 15 to 20 years ago.

The reason WII will triumph is because it moves at a sharp right angle AWAY from the needless complexity of control that moddern consoles suffer from by having those behemoths of hand held controllers that attempt to give the same versatility enjoyed by PC games but fail dismally (allways have and allways will) to deliver.

The reason Wii will triumph is that the Wii does NOT fall for the sex sells style graphics are all encompassing money making machine that the gaming industry has become. Rather Wii focuses on making an innovative and accessable gaming experience that encompasses all that gaming SHOULD have allways been, but never has been.

More and more people are realising they really want out of the wankfest that is modern console gaming, prefering something that can actually deliver an experience that enriches their lives by way of their limited hours of recreation, rather than simply drowning those hours in cut scenes and sureality beyond the level of user control and repeating experiences seen over and over again by gamers in repetative and boring monotany for the last two decades.

There is absolutely NO reason games like those you mention can not be released to wii. Simple minded lazyness and bone headed stubborn conservatism on the part of games producers is the only possible explanation. Game producers need to realise that the gaming population is changing in its makeup, and that more and more people are going to start to turn away from the glitz of the con job and begin seeking new and unique entertainment opportunities.

Wii will prevail. Wii will flourish. Wii will see spectactular things come "WiiII" in a few years time - but in the mean time, Wii will be all that Wii is, all that it can be, and more beside. Isn't that enough? I think so.

Nintendo - I thank you, and more than that, my thumbs thank you. Physiotherapists and optometrists losing gaming clients to a reduction of RSI and eyestrain may condemn you, but screw them!
Yeah they know what their doing..their not going to push themselves in too deep. They know their limits.
eeedyyaatttt....or As i would say it....eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeedddddddddddyyyyyyyyaaaaaaatttttttttttt poooothhhhiiiiiiiioooollllllllllleeeeeeee mannayuuttt

The above sentence was equivalent to you thread. Completely idiotic. yet ammusing.
If bill gates and that CP30 that made the PS3 actually worked with their consoles, and didn't just hire game makers to create their system then im sure you would say the same about them. Truth be told, miyamoto kicks ass. I think that mr. Iwata knows better though, Miyamoto had his time and succeded greatly, Now its Iwata's turn.
Atm, yes, I'll admit I might be a little bit worried. Right now theres not a lot keeping me intrested with the Wii.

The Wii is desperate for some more actual good games, and a nice online multiplayer system. Hopefully we'll get that towards summer/fall....hopefully

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