Anyone bought a Japanese wii Console?


****** by Syntax
Dec 20, 2007
Banned by Syntax for no reason, all subscribed thr
Wii Online Code
Just a couple of questions:
1)What's different if anything?
2)Can you play Japanese games online, if so, is it restricted to just Japanese, or just your own country, or can't you do either?
3)How much money's was it?
4)What games have you imported if any, they must be sooooo cool man, getting games that the rest of us get years later, and some we don't ever even see!

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I want to import a Wii, but the only question I have is will it work on my tv. Because I know there are certain devices that only work with certain regions televisions, but I don't know if the Wii is one of those devices.
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REALLY, i never knew the tv was involved in this too, well slap me face and call me Oprah Winfrey, i never knew that.
I like how ps3 have made all their games region free, we might even see stores selling imports for abit more, wouldn't that be cool.
My guess is that maybe more data is required to make them region free, and of course blu ray disc's have loads of space for data.
actually it has nothing to do with data space, it's just the way they're coded on the disc. It has to do with things being released in different markets at different times (games, dvds, etc.). Since they're in different regions and markets and money systems and all that most companies want to release them at different times for business reasons, most presumably because it would be much more costly to try and produce a product for the entire world all at once. Having regions with region locked media is how they ensure that everyone sticks to the timeline the company is trying to enforce, otherwise if everything was region free people waiting in one region for something would just import it from the region that got it first, and then when it did finally come to their region noone would buy it because they already got it somewhere else.
That and i also heard that Datel the makers of the freeloader were going to sue nintendo for making the wii region free correct me if im wrong.....
I don't know if this is any help, but here in my local game store they already had Wii Fit behind the counter. I asked the guy behind the counter if it was out already (a month ago this was) and he explained they were imported from Japan and they were selling them to people who had the Japanese Wii.
So it seems quite a few people here in Spain have the Japanese Wii, so maybe it isn't impossible to have one! :aureola:
I got a Japanese wii, got it for £100 pounds lol...

English games do work but some dont...
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WOW, well i was wondering Japanese wii owner, have you tried playing any Japanese games, and does their wifi work here.
It's a damn shame the UK games don't work on it, I'm guessing it's the Pal format, Try ordering some American games. navroze1 what games exactly don't work?
That really sucks :p.
The big question though, "WAS IT WORTH IT"!
I think i'd do that, just for the exclusive Titles, and I'm sure i could figure out how to get around the menu's, (accidentally formats the wii) LOL.
Surely you guys can get games from the same place you ordered your wii from?

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