Anybody Else Want Maniac Mansion?


WiiChat Member
Feb 26, 2009
I would love for Maniac Mansion from the NES to become available to download. It was such a unique game and I don't think I ever finished it. Does anyone else miss this classic?
Loved Maniac Mansion as well. I remember playing the game on my NES way back. Is it just me or did Dave remind you of Michael J Fox...
Id rather have Manic Miner

you can download a nes emulater and get the game on your pc if you really wanna beat it lol.
In before the legality issues with that statement

Not illegal if you own a copy of the original game.

I consider that "rule" to be retroactive, as well. I owned a copy of The Legend of Zelda: Link to the Past for SNES. It was stolen. I purchased a copy of the GBA port that also had Four Swords. It was stolen. Since I had already bought 2 copies of the thing and technically owned 0, I consider myself to be in the clear when downloading a rom of LttP.

But none of that matters anymore, since LttP was the first VC game I got. :D

Off-topic, but I got a great deal on Link to the Past for SNES. I traded a copy of MMPR The Movie (SNES) and $5 for it at a pawn shop years ago. Best deal I've ever made, to this day.
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you can download a nes emulater and get the game on your pc if you really wanna beat it lol.

I know about the emulators, I would just prefer it on the convience of the wii virtual console. I am not sure how Nintendo is deciding what games to put out.

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