Any1 here play WoW?


J'habite on FWONS :D
May 16, 2006
Dunedin, New Zealand
Wii Online Code
I have started to play WoW with some kids at my school who have been playing for months. Here is a place where ppl can discuse WoW.

I am a Dwarf Paladin and I also have a Tauren Shaman (I like to play both sides lol)
Cool :) I downloaded the free trial once, took days to download, and it was crap to play. Not the gameplay, but the screen constantly flashed, giving everyone in my town a seizure 'cause it was so bad. So I just deleted it :/ shame really.
After 6 months, that's already 114NZD, that is getting pretty expensive for a game that is the same thing over and over again. What makes you like smash bro?
I played it from release until about December last year, just before the expansion came out. I got really addicted and spent like £180 overall on the monthly fee :yikes: .

Had a lvl 60 Undead Mage - Horde FTW (Allies suck :lol: )
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Oceanic said:
After 6 months, that's already 114NZD, that is getting pretty expensive for a game that is the same thing over and over again. What makes you like smash bro?
$114, thats not alot of money at all! I get $44 a week (not braging) our money is worth alot less and everything is expensive (wii game=$110:()

Also its not repetitive! You get to do lots of different quests and its also fun just messing around with friends in another world :lol:
The closest I've been to WoW was watching a friend play for a few hours last month. He had a mage in the lvl 50s and I remember him on in area called maraudon or something.
Isn't it uh, that game known for comsuming people's lives? And very very expensive, I don't know what you'll gain out of it, personally.
i had it, but i seriously think that the game should be free, or they shouldn't charge you for monthly services

yeah it took over my friends life
hewas bragging that he got to play for 8 hours on everyday of the weekend
ill be playing it soon. i used to play on my friends account but him, me and another friend all want to play together so im getting my own account. i never played it more than 1 hour at a time though. chances are low that it will "consume" me seeing as how no game has done that except for Halo1 played on XBC

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