Another Generic I am NEW Thread


Oct 29, 2009
Brooklyn, New York
Wii Online Code

I'm CHAZ from Brooklyn, New York. And I just found this site today, figured it would be an easy way to find new people to play games with online.

I currently only have two games with online.

Brawl: 2407-1154-3523
SvR09: 1290-4388-1340

I'll try to be active on here, but my only source of internet is my Wii, haha. So rather play games then be on forums when I get the chance, lulz.

I'm normally playing from 10pm-3am weekdays, and 8am to 10am weekdays...weekend it's a mystery.

So hit me up, if you wanna play...
Also if you Email me at "" with "(gamename)-FC" in subject, and place game codes in it I'll be able to respond quicker then on here...anything else just ask me.
Hello and welcome to WiiChat! If you're a competitive Brawl player, you may want to check out the 1v1 league here. Hope to see you around. :)
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I would, but I'm more of a casual player since I'm normally on at late hours on weekdays.
If my schedule clears up maybe...but I'll check it out.

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