Annoying Blue Bars..?


WiiChat Member
Dec 28, 2007
So recently when I have been trying to play my wii, odd and annoying..blueness would show up.



And a video. Video

It's not only in Super Mario Galaxy, but the graphics are distorted on all the TVs I use it on (2).

Is it supposed to look like this? It's really hard to focus on the game with it, and I really like to know what the problem could be.

Help?! D: I'm going crazy/
It is most likely your Wii if it is the same on different TVs and different games. It could be the cable possibly? Or the Wii hardware? Try borrowing a friends cable, and if that shows no results I would see about sending it in to Nintendo.
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I just bought a new cable, so I guess it's the wii hardware.

Do you think if I send it to Nintendo and my warranty is up, they'll fix it?
Nintendo is extremely good about customer service. I can recall having a glitch with my gamecube far after the warranty period had passed, and they just ended up sending me a new one. Nintendo does not want to lose customers, they want to help. Give them a call.
Casrion said:
Do you think if I send it to Nintendo and my warranty is up, they'll fix it?
I certainly hope so, but I am not for sure. When my Gamecube's laser stopped working I called Nintendo to see if they could repair it but I believe there was a 50$ fee or something like that. I can't quite remember. That was awhile ago though, before the Wii was called Wii.

I am hoping that Nintendo will fix them for free after the warranties have expired. If not and your Wii breaks, you lose all of your VC games and data and everything. If not for free then maybe for a fee, and they can swap the mac address and stuff over to a new console for you.

So, free or for a fee or you may have to pay them entirely for a new one. You might as well just call and find out. :scared:
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I only have one game on the VC, so that would be okay.

Thanks guys. :)

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