Animated avatar trouble


Bustin makes me feel good
Jan 6, 2008
In a van down by the RIVER!
Wii Online Code
I'm trying to get a little animation that someone fwd'ed me to my email to be my avatar but im not sure what to do. Its a .gif file and I need to reduce the size a bit but I don't know what program to open it with. I tried quicktime (i use a mac btw if that means anything) but it didn't play the animation, just the first screen. I'm not very savvy with stuff like this so if anyone knows how to help, it would be appreciated.
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You need to edit it with GIMP or Adobe Image Ready (the former being free, Image Ready costs money). If you would like, I can shrink it for you, just post it here.
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Thanks. Does it matter what program I open it with though or will it play regardless? The default saves it as a bunch of pictures and doesnt have any way to animate it sooo....:crazy: whatever. Thanks again.


  • unknown.gif
    1.2 MB · Views: 227
I'm sorry. :( That's the problem with GIF.s here, Wiichat has EXTREMELY limited, err, limits for avatars and signatures alike. Hopefully that will change in the future, but till then, I'm sorry. Hopefully you can use it on other sites. :)