And then the strap broke.


WiiChat Member
Nov 30, 2006
Well, I was one of those people that didn't think the strap for the remote would break under normal use, but leave it to my wife.

Last night during a very intense game of tennis, the remote slipped out of her hands, broke free of the strap and made a journey into the kitchen. The battery cover popped off, the batteries flew out, but the remote seems to work ok, so hooray for that. And don't worry, I did end up beating her in Tennis.

So, make sure you really hold onto the remote... :yikes:

Unlucky lol

Maybe it was sending a sign to your Wife to get back to her Stove ^^ lmao
A new strap is coming out in Feb 07 I think since Nintendo are reviewing their strapsBecause your strap is like conencted to 2 wires. And so are all pictures lol
That really sucks... they should have made it out of stronger material to begin with.

I can't ever imagine breaking mine though.
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Wii_Smurf said:
Maybe it was sending a sign to your Wife to get back to her Stove

ha, yeah, I'll run that past her and see if that's what she thinks... lol

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