An Idea...

Lai Strike

WiiChat Member
Jun 27, 2007
Columbus, GA
Wii Online Code
How bout a separate signature request board. And a request form like this:

Render Link:
Stock Link:
Anything Extra:

It would certainly be a lot more organized.
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Thats what I'm saying. I am aware of that. But it is really sloppy and most replies are off topic. If you made a separate board and a request form, it would be a lot more organized and it would look neater. Instead of some 500+ long post that is basically filled with spam.
not true, its very organized i have a member that signs on and edits it almost every day. hes a backseat moderator pretty much. he helps organize and structor that entire subforum.

just use the sticky its been working for a few months now
If you want a design forum, then go join one, that is not out main concern on this site. We are a WiiChat community.
Well, I agree with jill and syntax but for the sake of arguement, what if a member wanted a sig, and he didn't know what a render or a stock was and such. . . .

then what would happen?

i think our current system is going well
If a member didn't know what a render and or stock was the user making him a signature could always tell him what it was. Also in that tutorial it basically tells the person requesting a signature where to find a render etc. It also shows an example of a signature request.
I think the request thread and the design lounge in general is very tidy and contains very little spam as not many non designers actually reguarly enter the lounge unless its one or two visits to ask for a sig.
Agreed with all repliers, the design forum is fine; there may be some spam but it's not infested with it and the stickied thread is working great.
Syntax said:
If a member didn't know what a render and or stock was the user making him a signature could always tell him what it was. Also in that tutorial it basically tells the person requesting a signature where to find a render etc. It also shows an example of a signature request.

No, I am stating my point against this idea, not the current system.

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